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Samsung Struggling To Overcome Android's Crucial Error

Updated Jan 20, 2016, 10:13am EST
This article is more than 8 years old.

Samsung is facing a lawsuit from the Dutch Consumers Association, Consumentenbond. The association is making the case that the South Korean smartphone manufacturer does not provide enough information about software updates, security vulnerabilities, or the updates themselves.

From Consumentenbond's release:

On buying a Samsung Android device, consumers are given inadequate information about how long they will continue to receive software updates. The Consumentenbond is demanding that Samsung provide its customers with clear and unambiguous information about this. Samsung moreover provides insufficient information about critical security vulnerabilities, such as Stagefright, in its Android phones. Finally, the Consumentenbond is demanding that Samsung actually provide its smartphones with updates

Consumentenbond notes that other manufacturers are failing to provide proper updates, it is focusing on Samsung in the first instance because it is the market leader for Android devices in the Netherlands. It also highlights a recent survey in the Netherlands that states "82% of the Samsung phones examined had not been provided with the latest Android version in the two years after being introduced."

When asked about the action, a Samsung spokesperson stated “At Samsung, we understand that our success depends on consumers’ trust in us, and the products and services that we provide. That is why we have made a number of commitments in recent months to better inform consumers about the status of security issues, and the measures we are taking to address those issues. Data security is a top priority and we work hard every day to ensure that the devices we sell and the information contained on those devices are is safeguarded."

To be fair to Samsung it is making progress, especially in regards to security issues. After the adventures of StageFright last year, Google implemented a monthly security patching program that would make updates available to all manufacturers. Samsung has committed to its own fast-track update procedure to get security updates to consumers on an "about monthly" schedule.

These updates still need to be approved by the carriers before they can be pushed out as over-the-air updates, and this is where Google's early decisions on the Android ecosystem are coming back to haunt the major players.

I have no doubt that Samsung wants to keep its phones as up to date as possible. It wants to create a secure environment for users, it wants to not be seen as selling 'vulnerable' smartphones to consumers, and it wants to keep the software up to date for the best experience possible.

But Android's set-up, along with the carrier's testing requirements for all of the variants of a base model mean that even a small patch update has to go through a vigorous and length approvals process. Once more, the rush to establish Android in the marketplace during the last decade forced it into a system designed for locked-down feature phones. Instead of pioneering the brave new world of smartphones, Android remains in that weaker system to this day.

Consumentenbond is right, in my opinion, to push the ideas of timely updates and more information for users of any smartphone platform (not just Android), but its action against Samsung is similar to attacking the largest and most aggressive head of a Hydra. There are far more influences at play than one manufacturer deciding not to give out information. Android's inability to offer updates is endemic, and will require a much broader approach with every partner involved and willing to give up a little ground to create a healthier ecosystem.

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